Emerging Self-deluded Artform

Lyrics, thoughts, food and other good things, brought to you by Brian...

Are you ready for some football?

This week in the NFL, my Indianapolis Colts face a stiff test in their quest to remain undefeated. The 7-3 Pittsburgh Steelers come to town in a much anticipated Monday night tilt. I will buy a beer for the first person to submit a solid, pro-Colts cheer or rally cry for the game. Seriously. Leave a comment or email.

Go Colts!


Check this one out

If you get the chance, find a way to listen to The Flaming Lips - In The Morning of The Magicians. It will be 6 of the best minutes of your life.


Picking up where I left off...

Three months ago today I began a post I had intended to be based on the conflict between sacred and secular music. Well, it kinda got left behind. I blame society.

I couldn't help, however, turning my thoughts again to the topic, but with a slightly different focus. I tend to question the definitions of good and bad music. To some people, Nickelback is "good" - or even great. Personal taste aside, I think we can all admit that they're not beginning any music revolutions. What really intrigues me, though, is the difference between morally good or bad music.

The Beatles are (were) musical giants and their mostly mellow song is parent-friendly. But how do we reconcile the fact that half of their songs were written directly about experiences with drugs? Is this okay? I'm not sure myself. I like the Beatles, though I don't love them, but that's not the point. We often have this idea in our heads that one kind of music is okay and another kind is not, based entirely upon the kind and volume of the instruments and rarely on the lyrics or intent.

Classical music is holy, rap is evil. Acoustic is uplifting, electric is just noise. Songs about love warm the heart, songs about lonliness make kids depressed. Is this really the case? Obviously I don't think so or I wouldn't have written it in such a club-footed attempt at wit.

Still, there must be some answers. Is it all just personal preference? I hope not.

As always, feel free to leave opinions. Anyone with bands/artists/groups they know of which may enlighten the topic, please do let me know.

P.S. Nickelback sucks!

P.P.S. Any views expressed in this post are not necessarily those of the Canadian government, the VanDooren family or Ontario Sod Growers and all its subsidiaries.


Floating in through the clouds

Hey there. Sorry for the prolonged absence... especially after promises of blogging resurgence. I'm sure you all know how it goes, yes?

So, apologies and such aside, it seems it is now time to welcome winter and the snow that invariable follows. I, for one, am thrilled. Okay, so it makes work a bugger during a time when it already has moments of wretchedness. Even still, how wonderful is it to come home from an exhausting day of lugging muddy rolls of sod to sit and stare at my backyard blanketted in snow? It hasn't happened yet... but it will. Tonight, perhaps, if the weatherman is to be believed.

On a completely different note, does anyone have any new musics suggestions? I'm itching to sink my ears into something fresh, but I'm running short of ideas. If someone out there has come across something recently that they're quite excited about - of any genre whatsoever - do feel free to drop a comment my way.
