Emerging Self-deluded Artform

Lyrics, thoughts, food and other good things, brought to you by Brian...


This just in... fresh-faced new journalist Daniel Zacharius Postma asks our star the tough questions! He gets the dirt that you all love to hear! Is Brian up to the task? Is he over the hill, or can he display just one last time that he has the goods to play with the big boys?

Seriously though, thanks to Dan Postma for the well thought-out interview questions.

1. Argue both sides of Redeemer’s on-campus pub debate (such as it is). What arguments do you make for it, what arguments do you make against it?

On the "pro" side, the simple fact is that people who want to drink will drink. And on-campus pub is more than a place to get alcohol. It is a place where fellow students would actually go at night, where commuters would feel as welcome as those living on campus. Also, they could price a pitcher of beer at 1/2 of what Williams charges for a Frutopia and still make a profit that will go towards our tuition, not towards Boston Pizza's home office.

On the "con" side, a number of people at a number of Bible colleges already look down at Redeemer for our "liberal" ways. I, personally, don't particularly care. However, it would be best if we don't try to antagonize people. An on-campus pub would be a hard sell for our public relations team. As for the question of students getting drunk and whatnot on campus... we ought to open our eyes to the situation. Those that want to mess themselves up will do so, either in the relatively safe confines of Redeemer's own pub or huddled in the bushes on Kitty Murray.

2. What do you feel are the distinguishing marks of a Christian relationship, over and above one that is loving but secular?

As far as visible (or semi-private) marks are concerned, those in a Christian relationship ought to pray and worship together. By worship, I mean a host of things including but not limitted to attending church together, discussing their faith and helping each other through doubt and trouble. Also, people in a Christian relationship seem to become more serious much more quickly. Perhaps their throbbing biological urges are to blame. Perhaps God simply does this to Christian couples. I'll leave the readers to decide for themselves.

3. What do you think should be Redeemer’s benchmarks of success: academically, spiritually, socially? What can Redeemer be proud of in its graduates? Alternately, you can answer this question: How do you hope to develop during your time at Redeemer: academically, spiritually, socially?

Redeemer's benchmark of success academically is simply graduation. Every effort is made to make sure students graduate, but that's the end of it. There are no research projects, no post-grad programs, no guaranteed success if you finish first in your year. Despite the fact that Redeemer has many excellent students and top-notch faculty, we have no reputation for academic excellence. Zero. I think that's something we all should come to terms with.

Spiritual matters is where Redeemer excels. We students are both trained theologically in a wide variety of classes as well as given every opportunity to join spiritually-based activities outside of class. Almost everyone I know who has left Redeemer has done so more committed, passionate and confident about his/her faith.

Socially? Well, c'mon... everyone knows Redeemer folk have the most fun, right? Right. Well... at least we would, if we had a pub.

In the end, Redeemer ought to be proud of its graduates as people, not as students. Most graduates leave as "better" people than when they came in, but not because of our GPA.

4. You are hoping to enter a career in Christian education. How important is that “Christian” distinction to you, and how do you interpret the Christian’s mandate to “go into all the world” in the context of both secular and faithful venues of education?

The "Christian" part is essential, but not in the way you might think. I will be a "Christian" teacher one way or another, but not necessarily in a Chrisitian school. If I end up in a public school, I'm fully aware that I'll be fired within a year. I can't teach history or english in a secular fashion and I don't intend to try. If I get a job in a Christian school, then great. If not, I'll do the best I can in a public system. After all, non-Christian kids deserve both good education and God's Word as much as any of us. To be honest, it would be kinda fun to see how long I would last if I taught John Donne's Holy Sonnets at Ancaster High.

5. How have you been shaped by sports and by music?

Wow. Interesting question. First of all, my interest in music is largely academic, since I either don't have a lot of talent or haven't put in the necessary work. However, I also put in considerable time studying and reading about music of various kinds and, with the help of Joel Harsevoort, have tried my hand at song writing several times. Music and poetry are, as far as I'm concerned, intimately linked. How to put this into words...... well, I find in both a gentle, delicate beauty that cannot be found anywhere else in this world. I'm a much different person today because of them, but not in any way that describe.

As for sports, well... I LOVE sports! Most people who know me well realize that. Playing sports has made it possible for me to quit smoking, to make friends that I never would have had otherwise, to clear my head of unwanted thoughts. Following professionaly sports is just something I like to do. Love to do. Need to do. Okay, okay, I have a problem. By the way, the NFL draft is coming up, April 23-24.

Anyone else interested? Send me a note or leave a comment. Here's the rules.

1. Leave me a comment saying "interview me." The first five commentators will be the participants.

2. I will respond by asking you five questions.

3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.

4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.

5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. (Write your own questions or borrow some.)
